
6 Steps to Increase Your Savings

By Reagan Bonlie
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When it comes to money, most of us have very specific objectives in mind. If you want to achieve your financial goals, having control over your spending habits and creating a budget is critical.

There is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to setting a budget. It may not be the most exciting thing to consider or even start. In actuality, it is an underappreciated activity, that can help you understand a summary of your earnings and your spending habits.

Your financial objectives, such as creating a strong retirement plan or ultimately paying off all of your debt, can be attained more quickly with the help of an efficient spending strategy. Here are six processes for making and following a budget:

1. Establish your objectives

Having concrete, attainable financial objectives will help you stay on track once you begin the budgeting process. There will be times when you feel the want to deviate from your budget. By setting goals, you will see how even “little” choices can add up during the process.

For instance, if you have a significant amount of consumer debt, paying it off can be one of your long-term goals. This is especially important to keep in mind as having less debt and good credit can have a positive impact on a variety of elements of your life. Such as having the ability to obtain a mortgage or even a vehicle loan.

Having both short-term and long-term goals can help the budgeting process go more smoothly, regardless of your ambitions.

2. Spending should be detailed and totaled

The first step in making a budget, whether for the week, month, or quarter, is to list all of your potential expenditures.

Don’t know where to begin? Break down your expenses into two categories: fixed and variable. Rent or mortgage payments, energy bills, phone bills, and debt payments are all examples of fixed expenditures. This will be your starting point for your first month’s budget, it’s a good idea to add up all of your bills from the past few months and get an average. Spending on things like eating out and going to the movies is part of your “variable costs,” but fixed costs like rent and utilities cannot be changed.

By seeing everything laid out in front of you, you may be better able to make adjustments like cutting back on entertainment expenses so that more money may be applied to paying off debt.

3. Sum up all of your money

Whether you are creating a budget by yourself or with a spouse, the total income of the household should be added up after taxes. Don’t forget to include any potential sources of passive income you may have, such as income from investments or rental income.

4. Figuring out your budget

Add up all of your income and expenditures, checking to be sure you haven’t forgotten anything. To put it simply: things are looking up if your income exceeds your costs. Depending on your priorities, the extra money can be put into savings or applied to your debt.

If your income is less than your spending, you will need to examine your variable costs to find places to save money.

5. Think Ahead

When you plan ahead, you can figure out where your savings should be going each month, as you take a piece of your income and put them in different buckets. Also, figuring out how you’ll be spending these assets will help you align those savings to the specific goals.

In other words, once you put enough aside for your regularly monthly expenses, then you can understand how much money is left for your long-term goals like retirement, health care, education, etc.

6. Utilize a tool for making budgets

Personal budgeting apps like Nudge may be an excellent tool for helping you stay on track with your finances overall, allowing you to prevent unnecessary overspending while also making your life a little bit simpler. You could even make use of guided there worksheets to make all your short term and long term goals a reality. Having your personal roadmap offers clarity in your life into the future!